Monday 16 July 2012

Time for a Blizzard

DQ Blizzard, that is. Hah!...

Another hot sunny beautiful summer day. No complaints at all. Ok, maybe just 1 itty bitty one. The fact that it's cold in the office. Blasted AC!

Top & Kensie shorts  (Winners), H&M ballet flats

Anyhoot, today being Monday, of course it was busy. And I tell ya, all kinds of interesting characters are out of the woodwork for some reason. I guess because it is Monday. It made for an interesting busy day, to say the least.

Talking to hubs on the way home, he suggested to pick-up DQ. With the kind of day I had, I thought it was the perfect suggestion to cap the day. How can you go wrong with Blizzard after all?

And the day is ok once more...


  1. Yes yes yes...DQ, the wife of Burger King!!! BTW, likey the outfit, and how the shoes stand out:)

  2. DQ ... mm, mmm ... love their soft serve sundae with caramel sauce - or the soft serve cone with the chocolate shell. Now you've got me craving some DQ!

  3. @Emmy, thnx:)
    @Lisa, I say get it! haha... how about some peanut butter parfait, or a dilly bar perhaps:p



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