Friday 29 June 2012

Extra Looong Weekend

Since I didn't really book any vacation this summer, I thought I'd take a few days and attach it to a stat holiday. Hence, the 5-day weekend.

AE button-down shirt, Gap trousers & belt, Clarks flats (The Bay)

I really relished last Wednesday, knowing it was the last workday of the week. I ended up leaving work much later than I anticipated, just because I didn't want to leave too much stuff hanging. Oh, I know there was even no need for that, but like I said, it's what I wanted (or didn't want).

I didn't realize how tired I was until I woke up at 10 yesterday morning. Damn books keeping me up later than usual.

And since my free time has officially started as of yesterday morning, I decided to meet a friend for lunch yesterday. That was quite enjoyable. And today, I've decided to do nada.

Ah, free time *sigh*

(Side story: this is probably the farthest I can go with this half-tuck/semi-tuck business. Wanna know why? I tried a half-tuck one time, and a colleague surreptitiously pulled me aside to whisper in my ear that I missed tucking the other half of my shirt. BURN!... HAHA... So the fashion limits have been set, so it seems, by the fashion gods for mere mortals such as myself. *giggle*)



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